
Now that the Service Categories have been set up, you can start to add the different Services offered by the Event Venue.

Please note: this does not include ticket sales, details on events, etc but rather general information about the services offered by the Venue.

Click on the Add Event Service button

Add the Service name (limited to 45 characters including spaces), a brief description (limited to 80 characters including spaces), the telephone number, website and facebook page address.

Select a Service Category from the drop down menu and assign the Service to a category in the menu.

Add information about the service in the More Info section. These are limited to 640 characters including spaces. If you require additional space, simply click on the Add Message Block button. There is no limit to the number of blocks you can add.

Upload an image of the Service. Images must be 900 pixels by 900 pixels and preferably a jpeg which has been compressed as mentioned previously.