
Understanding the Feedback Summary

Here is a short guide to help you understand the Feedback Summary


Is the number of people who said they would recommend the event (or not) divided by the total number of respondents – updated in real time.


The percentage of people who gave 1 – 5 stars. 5 Stars being excellent. 

Key Performance Indicators

The percentage of people who responded 1 to 5 stars for each Key Performance Indicator.

Configure Feedback Questions

This is where you will edit your 5 Key Performance Indicators for the Event.

  • Click on Feedback Configuration in the menu. 
  • Toggle the Feedback module on or off.
  • Click on the pencil to edit the Key Performance Indicators.
  • Enter your 5 desired Key Performance Indicators
  • Define the time delay before asking the user for a review again.


In this module you will be able to set 5 Key Performance Indicators that are important to an Event.

It might be Seminar Quality, Parking, Security, Ticket Price – they can be whatever you decide per event.

Once an entrance ticket has been scanned (even if it is a free ticket), the system will check the configuration to see when to send the feedback survey.

There are 3 levels of Feedback:

1. Would the user recommend the event or not?

2. Based on that response, for users who recommend the event we ask them to rate the event as either 4 stars or 5 stars. For those who don’t, we ask them for a 1,2 or 3-star rating.

2.1 . For 4 and 5 star ratings, we ask the user for a review comment which is saved.

2.2 For 1-3 star ratings, we ask the user for their contact details and alert the organiser as to what the problem is.

3. The user is then asked to rate the 5 Key Performance Indicators from 1-5.

When all questions have been answered, users with a 4 and 5 start rating are prompted to post their comments entered earlier to the Facebook, Google or Trip Advisor channels of the venue.

Results are aggregated in real time and displayed in the Feedback summary.


Add Events within Event

Aside from Exhibitors and Seminars, your Event might also feature an Event. This might be a marching band or a blues band. This is where you enter those.

  • Upload an image of the event (900 px by 900 px) 
  • Designate a Sub-Venue from the dropdown menu (such as Main Car Park) – you can Add a new Sub-Venue if yours isn’t in the list.
  • Give your Event a name (max 45 characters)
  • Add a URL to where the public can find out more information about the event such as the Facebook Page or Website of the Performing artists.
  • Add a brief description of the Event (max 80 characters) 
  • Add an Event Start Time and End Time

Add Event Tickets

Tickets (even FREE tickets) are an essential feature of the EventVenues platform.  Tickets generate a QR Code which, when scanned, adds user details to your downloadable event contact list automatically. Later you will see how to configure a Feedback Questionnaire that is automatically sent to your users using their contact details.

Upload a 900 pixel x 900 pixel image for the front of your ticket. 

Give the ticket a name (limited to 45 characters including spaces.)

Give the ticket a description (limited to 80 characters including spaces.)

Upload a 900 pixel x 900 pixel image for the front of your ticket for when it has expired and is no longer valid.

Add a ticket price in your local currency supported by ManyChat. See a list of supported currencies here.

Toggle the ticket to be Active or not. If Not Active it wont appear in the ChatBot.

Add a Ticket Valid Start Date and End Date and Time.

Click Save.

You can create as Many Tickets as you like including FREE tickets.

You can add any number of Entry Tickets. Click on Add Entry Ticket to start.