
Adding a Sub-Venue

Often Event Venues are broken down into sub-venues. These can be rooms, halls, exterior areas and so forth. When an event is in full swing, typically there are activities happening in multiple sub-venues under one roof.

Upload a picture of the sub-venue. (900px x 900 px compressed jpeg).

Add a Sub-Venue Name (No longer than 20 characters including spaces)

Add a Sub-Venue Description (No Longer than 80 characters inckluding spaces)

This is feature is used together with our Premium features when adding an event, exhibitor stand, seminar and events within events. 

Add Services

Now that the Service Categories have been set up, you can start to add the different Services offered by the Event Venue.

Please note: this does not include ticket sales, details on events, etc but rather general information about the services offered by the Venue.

Click on the Add Event Service button

Add the Service name (limited to 45 characters including spaces), a brief description (limited to 80 characters including spaces), the telephone number, website and facebook page address.

Select a Service Category from the drop down menu and assign the Service to a category in the menu.

Add information about the service in the More Info section. These are limited to 640 characters including spaces. If you require additional space, simply click on the Add Message Block button. There is no limit to the number of blocks you can add.

Upload an image of the Service. Images must be 900 pixels by 900 pixels and preferably a jpeg which has been compressed as mentioned previously.


Add a Service Category

Let people know about the types of services your venue offers. It might be details on parking, disabled access, space hire or more.

To start with, arrange your services into categories. Then find an image (900 pixels x 900 pixels that best suits that category) and upload it. Please note that the category name cannot be longer than 45 characters including spaces.

To reduce image load times in your Chatbot, consider using jpegs only and also compressing them using online tool such as https://compressjpeg.com for example.

Once you have set up your categories, you will move onto the next section where you can add information about each service and assign it to a category.

Update Admin Profile

Once you have logged in to your dashboard , you will automatically be granted Admin permissions. 

We suggest you use free software such as Canva.com to resize your images to 900 pixels by 900 pixels before uploading them. Upload your profile picture and the logo for your Event Venue. 

Before you add your Event Venue to your dashboard, first click on your Name and update your Profile.